Monday, August 27, 2012

Did you leave it ALL on the field today?

This week we had exchanges with the sisters in the Feather River ward. WOW!!... I tell you what, WOW!! When the day comes to do an exchange. I always dread it... for a few reasons. One because I hate leaving my best friend. and TWO because I hate packing. hahaha

This week, the feelings of exchange were no different than the last. While I often find myself feeling that way, I always know in the back of my mind that miracles ALWAYS come on exchanges. So I go and do anyways.

Miracles DID happen this weekend on exchanges!! I received more revelation for what I need to do better in my service as a missionary.

Sister Love and I went over to the football field and track to do some exercise. It was a nice track and I was able to do some jogging. The entire time as I ran, the questions I had at mission conference flooded my mind again. "What can I do to give ALL that I am... Every day?!"

We finished up our exercise and headed back the way we came. As we walked passed the locker room I glanced up at the sign that hung by the door.
"Did you leave it ALL on the field today?..." WOW. That hit me like a ton of bricks. All at once it clicked in my mind, and I understood a little bit more what it meant to give all that I have every day. I thought of all the football games I have watched in my life and I realized that I want to be one of those "First String players" that gives every game ALL that they have. The type of player that uses all their time and talents to help build the team up and to help them succeed. That is the kind of missionary I want to be. THAT is the kind of servant I want to be. Every day of my life... I want to come home knowing that I left it ALL on the field that day.

I love you all.
I am grateful for the prayers, love and support I receive every day.
This mission is changing my life, and I am so grateful for the experiences that surround me daily to come closer to Heavenly Father!
Keep doing the small things everyday. They make the BIGGEST difference.

With all my love and prayers,
Sister Sydney Tittle

"If we don't have the spirit we can't teach, and if we can't teach then why are we even here?"

WOW! this week has been crazy! Ups and downs... but mostly UPS! Withers and I have learned SO much, and have had so many incredible experiences together. Every day was like a spirit punch in the face!! (yes... if you couldn't tell, that's a really good thing. :))

On Monday, Aug 20th,  Sister Withers and I did our laundry at our relief society presidents house. Her name is Sister Thordson. (MAN is she amazing!! I have never met someone in my life who serves and solves problems like she does. Her entire life is dedicated to helping others live better.) She and her husband have sacrificed so much and have given so much to Sister Withers and I... We look up to them and love them dearly! Of course as we were doing laundry there, she filled us up with chocolate and Italian soda's...(TOTALLY a fat joke, right?! haha secretly we love it.) After that we hurried over to the stake center and played like crazy with our AWESOME zone! We literally have some of the FUNNEST people here in the Yuba City Zone.

On Wednesday, Aug 22nd, we had the most AMAZING and INSPIRING Half Mission Conference of my life time! (Granted, it WAS my first... but still absolutely Life changing! Elder Cardon from the first Quorum of the 70 came and we had a meeting that went from 9:30ish-4:30ish with a small break in between for a nice lunch. It was LONG, but didn't feel that way. The spirit was there and I learned SO much. I had been asked to give the closing prayer at the meeting, and was really nervous to get up in front of half the mission to pray... Don't worry though.. I survived the experience... and didn't even say anything blasphemous in the prayer..phew.

One of the coolest things I learned at that mission conference was the importance of having the spirit. If we don't have the spirit we can't teach, and if we can't teach then why are we even here? Right?... WOW. I had a lot of time to think about what qualifies me for the spirit and how important it is in this work. I have always tried to follow the spirit for guidance in my own life. But here on the mission I have begun to have the unique challenge of following the guidance of the spirit for someone else. Every day we meet different people with different and unique challenges, each person having a story and life of their own. How could we possibly know what they need?... We can't. The lessons and the doctrines are set in stone. But the way we teach them is something very specific to each individual. How grateful I am to be learning this wonderful skill of receiving revelation for someone else and having the discernment to KNOW what to do with that revelation. WOW! Spirit punch in the face, right?!... One last thing Elder Cardon said really hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't have the exact words with me here so I will paraphrase..

"Every morning when you wake up, fall to your knees and plead with your heavenly father to give you the strength so that you can give all that you HAVE and ARE. then get up and do just that... give all that you HAVE and ARE. That night when you come home, feeling more exhausted then you have ever felt. Fall to your knees again and tell your Heavenly Father that you gave it all you had that day... Thank him for strength through it, and then plead with him to help you get a good nights rest, because tomorrow... you're going to do it again."

WOW... My heart just swells as I type that. This is the type of service I want to render for the REST of my life. These habits and this relationship I am forming with Heavenly Father will not end in a year and a half as I go home. This is the kind of Servant I want to be from now all the way to the eternities!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Quick update - lots of success!

It's sister Tittle here.
This week has been exhausting and has involved:
-Becoming an adopted daughter for a less active ( starting to teach her the lessons again... and getting fed really well!)
-DEEEEEPP DEEEEP Cleaning for a less active in her home.
-Teaching English to 2 women from afganistan (one of them had her baby! SOOO CUTE! This family should be mormons)
-Talking about baptism with a woman who has been investigating for YEARS (She is SOOO CLOSE!)
-Teaching the non member child of an amazing woman in our ward... He is 18 years old.. and he is so amazing!! (More details to come when I have time)
-Being able to spend a day doing all we could to help an almost homeless family not get homeless... (WOW that was amazing... Matt19:26)
-Having 7 investigators at church with us this sunday (TOTAL MIRACLE... WOW)
-Setting 2 baptismal dates on a first visit with a mother and a daughter who have been TOTALLY prepared!

Miracles happen when you are:
-Engaged in the work
-Excited about the work
-Exactly Obedient

I love this gospel. SO much.
I love my life.
the church is true.
I am sorry that this email is short. today (even though it is P day) is going to be a CRAZY one!

Keep doing the LITTLE things... They make a BIG difference!

Be grateful for ALL that you have, because all around you there are people who have less than you have!

ALWAYS help other people... you never know when YOU will be the person who needs help.

Helping hands brings happy faces.

"If we're not giving, we're not living..."

"God never expects more from you than you can give... when your strength is gone, he'll give you some of his..."

One of the greatest lessons I have learned here on the mission is to LOVE others unconditionally. They don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

I love you all!!

Keep writing, it brightens every day!

Love, Sister Tittle

Monday, August 13, 2012


As a missionary, I have had the opportunity to help others to improve the quality of their lives. What a marvelous experience this has been. Our message is centered on Jesus Christ... and because of that, the things we teach will help improve others as the people keep their commitments and strive to be more like the savior! How GREAT is my calling!

Sister Withers and I were asked this week in Zone meeting to teach about how to get PUMPED about missionary work.
We like Acronyms so this is just a tiny sliver of what we taught:

Prayer - Start EVERYTHING with a prayer!
Unity - One with Heavenly Father, One with the Spirit, and One with your companion!
Motivation - When one is falling, lift the other one up! Keep the energy flowing!
Purpose - "My missionary purpose is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the end..." The missionary purpose should encompass everything We do here.

Well I love you LOTS!! Keep the prayers and the Letters coming! Its always SO fun to hear from people and to see pictures!

Choose the Right!

Sister Tittle

"Here we GO, Here we GO!"

"Here we GO, Here we GO!" - A Frequent Sister Tittle Quote
Another P Day is here... This week the days were long but the week flew by! Man alive, I can't believe I have been here almost 2 transfers!
It is always so hard to know what to update on here because SO MUCH happens every week!.. So much happens every DAY!

This week we had a Less Active Member/Investigator(her child) with kind of an emergency situation. The weather was over 100 degrees today and the AC went out in their Apartment. When sister withers and I got there it was a SAUNA in the house. In a matter of minutes, Withers and I had rounded up SEVERAL box fans and were able to create an airflow in their house. It was a miracle. The family was concerned for the children because of how hot it was... There was no way anyone would be able to sleep in that heat. So Withers and I went to work and set up camp for them in the living room. by the time we left the temperature was 10x better and the kids had calmed down. Straight up and down Inspiration from the spirit! WooHoo!

Sister Withers and I love our people here! He have so many "Squirrely People..." Its soo awesome. haha OHHHH the stories I have.
One lady told us the funniest story about how an elder she knew got "Pooped on... 8 times... in ONE day!..." By Birds. haha (We could not contain our laughter... maybe you had to be there!)

There are also a lot of Punjabi people here... they wear turbans, its super cool. haha They make up like half the population of the people here in Yuba, I swear! haha

1st transfer DOWN!

 July 30th, 2012
Well, it's official. 1st transfer DOWN!! We got our transfer call and Sis. Withers and I are changing Districts but we are still in the same area (not really a surprise because I have 6 more weeks of training) - It is funny though because the district we have been in was the "Spanish District." Because they were spanish, their areas were pretty big, and we hardly saw them (They didn't even meet for church at our same building) But now that things have been changed a little bit... We are in a district with 4 elders that we have spent a lot of time with. It will be fun, we all have become pretty good friends and are excited to get each other pumped about the work. 

I got my hair cut today... just a trim but it was so weird getting my hair cut by someone other than mom. It turned out really well though. She is in beauty school right now and she gave us free cuts... pretty awesome!!

Well, we are on the computers at a members house so I really have to go, but I love you so much!!

Love Sister Tittle


Tony (The man who got baptized July 1 had to quit smoking as well... he bore a simple but powerful testimony yesterday in church as he said that since he has been baptized, he has no more cravings to smoke..."I still keep a pocket full of candies though," he said with a big grin. I love this work. It is hard but it is worth it!!

There is a part in the Joseph Smith movie that gets be every time. Its at the part where the people are building the temple and Joseph says..."We're not just building a temple here... God is building us..." WOW... There is not a line that could describe how I feel more. I am not just trying to build other people here... As I do it.. Heavenly Father is truly building me. I am grateful for all the sacrifices my loved ones are making at home to make it possible for me to be here. I know that they will be blessed for their sacrifice. I love the gospel. I love seeing the happiness and peace it brings people. Missionary work is not about forcing people to believe in what you believe and do what you do. It is about loving others and teaching truth by the spirit. Only THEN will others have the desire to change.

I love you all and hope that you are continuing to build your testimonies every day. We are so blessed for all that we have. The Gospel, a nice home, air conditioning, loving families, solid friends, opportunities for education, the knowledge that families can be together forever. We are truly a blessed people. Remember that every day! :)

I love this work and am grateful to be serving here in Yuba City! They truly are "My People's" here!

With love,

Sister Sydney Tittle

"Getting Real... With Zeal!"

 July 23rd, 2012

Monday night we did a family night with a family who has a few less actives. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong and I truly learned the importance of "Teaching People, not lessons." Before sister withers and I left, Dylan (the 18 year old boy who has been inactive since age 15) told us that this was the first missionary lesson that actually meant something to him. He said that we were "Real" and listened to what he had to say. From that day on, sister withers and I decided to never go back! To always make sure that we are "Getting Real... With Zeal!" That is the motto for our day to day work here! What a valuable lesson for me to learn so early in my service as a missionary.

Wednesday we did the "Search and Rescue" for our ward... that is going pretty well... but I am working on getting creative as I think of ideas on how we can "Re-Vamp" and "Build"  this great program!

We have a Potential Investigator who is BIG on family history work. It is amazing how some people come to find interest in the gospel. For steph... she had a great experience in the Family History Library in SLC and is now getting interested in the church. The Lord works in mysterious ways ;)

On Wednesday we ran into Mark Williams (our former Inv. who moved into the Sutter Buttes area) - What a miracle that was. Sister Withers and I were trying to follow the spirit on how to best use our time and decided to say a prayer that we might be guided to know what street to tract. Well, once again... sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways... because we both had specific names come to our mind on who we should visit instead. We decided to turn around and go visit Rick.... And there ended up running into Mark. We talked to him about quitting smoking, and he gave us half of the cigarettes he had in his pack. We wrote all over the pack of Cigarettes (Scriptures, words of wisdom, notes of encouragement, etc.) And he committed to us to never smoke again after he finished that "Last Pack," as we called it. Mark was at church again yesterday and only has 1 cigarettes left. That man is incredible he is accomplishing AMAZING things in his life as he follows the gospel. First he quit drinking and now he has quit smoking. Miracles can happen, Sister W and I are seeing that every day here! God is great and his work will ALWAYS keep moving forward.

"I realize that with God all things are possible."

 July 16th, 2012

This church is true! It has been amazing to see the changes that come when people decide to turn their lives around and follow Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for all that I have at home. My family and I have been so blessed in every aspect of life and never again will I take those things for granted. We are blessed to meet with amazing and strong people who have to live in not so great circumstances. I find myself wishing I could change their physical circumstance. As I step back though.. I realize that with God all things are possible. (Matt. 19:26) Our Physical situations may not always change but we can be sustained through them because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. How blessed we are to have the truth to lead and guide us every day. How grateful I am for the family God has given me and for the experiences that mold us into what Heavenly Father wants us to become!

With love & Gratitude

Sister Tittle


 July 16th, 2012

On Friday, July 13 I had the opportunity to have a meeting with my mission President (President Weston) He is an amazing man! Such a good President. I absolutely love him and his whole family. They have become like a second family to me here.

On Saturday we had English lessons. I don't know if I have mentioned this yet, but we get to teach two women from Afghanistan. We are teaching them English. What an incredible experience this is. We are trying to track down a Pharsee-English dictionary so we can find more ways to teach about what we believe along with our lessons.

We teach a lot of less actives. We are working on helping them to come back into the fold. Strengthening the ward is SO important! It is a really sweet experience to be able to step in Jesus' shoes as we try to find the lost sheep!

We are teaching a girl named Taryn. I love her to death! She is 14 years old and is excited about learning more. This last week we set a baptismal date and this Sunday she brought her friend to Sacrament meeting with her. They both stayed for all 3 meetings. She has not even joined the church yet, but she is already being a little missionary! Her friend will be coming along to the next lesson and we will hopefully be able to start teaching her as well.

Sundays are sweet days for Sister Withers and I. We have decided to take about an hour of the day to go and visit our sweet members at the rest home. Sister Withers sings Alto and I sing Soprano so we go to each friend of ours and leave them with a song and a thought. it brightens our days... probably more than it brightens theirs.

This Sunday Sister Withers and I got to talk a lot in church! It was crazy. I spoke first in Sacrament meeting. I talked about not judging others. Shared the story from my childhood about the time when we had a "Cousins Court" because someone stole some peas out of Grandpa's garden. It was pretty good and got a few good laughs. I think it was kind of one of those experiences though where I thought it was super funny.... but no one else did. haha (dang it..) Following sacrament meeting we were out in the hallway for a minute and we saw our Previous Investigator Mark!!

Mark is one of my favorite people I have met on the mission. He is the man who had a friend who was investigating the church. His friend had a Book or Mormon in his room and Mark started reading the introduction pages. Mark had been an alcoholic for a while and desperately wanted to quit drinking. He had tried everything to quit and nothing had worked. As Mark read those introduction pages, he was intrigued and asked his friend to call the missionaries to come and help him. (Wow... what a miracle.) Sister Withers and I started teaching him and as he prayed and read the Book of Mormon he was able to quit drinking. It is an incredible story that keeps going on. Mark started taking slow and steady steps toward a huge change in his life. He knelt in prayer (which took overcoming a big fear) and he mentioned quitting smoking as well! We were so incredibly proud of him. I came to love this man as if he were my literal family... Mark moved just outside of our area a few weeks ago, so sister withers and I sadly had to hand him over to the elders in Sutter Buttes (Clanton and Heward). We were pretty bummed but knew that Heavenly Father knew what he was doing. Mark was at church for the first time on Sunday wearing the white shirt and tie we had given to him. He looked so sharp! like a whole new man! I was so proud!

Sister Withers and I got to speak again for about 15 minutes in relief society about how the ward members can help us as missionaries. It was such a great opportunity to be able to testify of the importance of members in our work and to help get them pumped up about coming along with us! (Life as a missionary is so fulfilling.. I love it!)

Growing Pains

July 4th, 2012

This week I experienced some spiritual growing pains. Have you ever felt that before?... growth in general is never easy but it always leaves us better. It is the same with the spirit. We go through different experiences so that we can become better people. I know that every growing pain and experience I have on the mission is Heavenly Fathers way of telling me he loves me and is answering my prayers to become to best missionary I can be. I love this gospel. I have seen what the power of God can do for people. I see Young Elders become Men. I have seen alcoholics and smokers become free from those awful addictions. Miracles are happening all around me. This is the power of God in the lives of people. We are taken in our ordinary state and are made extraordinary by the power of God. What blessed people we are.

Love, Sister Tittle


Wednesday, July 4

Happy 4th of July! It may have been a holiday, but that didn't stop us from doing the work here in the Roseville, California Mission! Sister Withers and I packed our schedule full of visits, lessons and service. It was an amazing and productive day! We even saw miracles happen. One cool thing that happened has a bit of a story behind it.

Sister Withers and I have such a love for our investigators... we really do. There is one investigator though that has become very special to us. He is almost like an Uncle or a Dad or something. Mark is his name. Teaching him has changed the way I view my work as a missionary. Well... A week or so ago, Sister W. and I found out that Mark was moving. We search and searched our area map to try and find the street he was moving to... no success. A few days later we were driving and we drove past the street. (It was just across the street from our area.) We were devastated, but knew that Heavenly Father had a plan and that we need to follow that plan, even if we didn't want to. We called the Elders and informed them that they were getting the best investigator ever. And that is where the story leads to today's miracle.

Today we got a text from the lucky elders. "Guess who we just ran into on our way out of the house today?...Mark! We totally saw him and sue on their bike ride and they talked to us!" With a smile on our faces, sister withers and I knew right away that none of these experiences were coincidences. Mark needs those wonderful Elders. And those wonderful Elders need Mark. We may not always understand the why. But that is where faith and obedience come in. I know that Heavenly Father has his hand in every day of our lives. I have learned this even more as a missionary. What gratitude I feel to have the knowledge of a loving Heavenly Father.

Sister Withers and I are continuing to become better and better friends. I know that she and I needed each other on this mission. I also know that this is a friendship that will last beyond our days of Name tags and bicycles.This friendship is much more eternal than that. I love my dear friend, and I love the work I am being trained for with her.

Preparation Day

Monday, July 2

Soo.. I hated Preparation Day in the MTC but have loved it since I have been out in the field. I have become very grateful for the opportunity to prepare once a week. Other than the usual P-Day activities (Clean, Study, Wash Car, Laundry, and Shop...) Sister Withers and I were able to go visit a less active family and have family night with them in their home. I love the families in my area. They are so loving and welcoming it is always a joy to be in their homes.

"I love life, I love the mission, I love the gospel."

 July 2nd, 2012

The spirit is essential in our work here as missionaries. Actually though... the spirit is essential in every aspect of life. The guidance, love and direction we get from our Heavenly Father is amazing and critical as we go from day to day.

Steps to Becoming a Good missionary: Part 1

1. Obey the rules with EXACTNESS.
2. Stay with the Daily schedule... But "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." -President Thomas S. Monson
3. KEEP that GREENY FIRE! You need enthusiasm, love and excitement for the work to be successful!

More to come.

I know that I was meant to be here in Yuba City. Heavenly Father sure had his hand in this. He put me with an incredible companion who loves the Lord and works hard. She is inspiring to me and is teaching me how to work like I am on a farm! I am grateful for her love, encouragement and friendship. She is truly amazing at teaching with the spirit and training with love. Just what I needed.

I also know that I was meant for these people. Sister withers and I are constantly telling each other how much we "Love our People's!" They truly are our people's and I am so grateful to be serving them.

Almost every single night we are fed dinner by members. HOLY COW... I know. Good thing Sister Withers and I have BIKES!!! - Yep.. we ride around town on our bikes with SKIRTS and HELMETS on... We come home everyday looking like Anasazi women with Tarzan hair. We are grateful though that we have bicycles to ride. We are the only sisters in the mission who have them. Some members lent them to us. :)

I love life, I love the mission, I love the gospel. The church is true, and the book is blue! I love you all!


Sister Tittle


July 2, 2012

Today is P-day and it is SOOO hot! We are going outside with our zone to play some football. I am excited/ nervous about the 100+ degree weather.
Missionary work is the BEST! I love the strict schedule. Every day here is filled to the brim with productivity. Ha! I love it. All the members and some of the Elders tease me about my "greeny fire" I believe that this fire is not just going to be with me as a greeny. There is a certain level of enthusiasm that is needed in missionary work. Faith, obedience, and hard work are the keys to success. Sister Withers and I KNOW that we will be blessed for our faith, obedience and hard work... we just know it!

Raccoon Chilli...Mmmm!

July 1, 2012

Tony has been attending the ward for several years. Sister Withers and I finally were able to help him get the confidence he needed to quit smoking, cut his hair and get baptized. Wow. It's amazing what can happen when you have Heavenly Father on your side. Tony has completely changed his life around... It is something he could have never done without Him (Heavenly Father). The Tone-ster (Tony) was baptized today... It was a really sweet experience. Tony is such a funny guy, I wish everyone could meet him. We have these things called "Tony-isms" (aka.. funny things he says) We love him so much, and I think that is what he needed... Missionaries who would love him and be patient with him. To sort of "Thank us.." The Tone-ster made us some Chili... Guess what kind?....COON chilli. (yep... thats right. Raccoon Chilli... How's THAT for trying something weird on the mission?! haha) Half of our zone tried a bite of it... it wasn't too bad. The Elders ended up taking the rest with them. I couldn't mentally get myself to eat any more of that stuff haha.

Tony's Baptizm...Sister Withers and I did a musical number. She played the piano and I sang "Savior Redeemer of my Soul." It is a beautiful song. It's in the movie 17 miracles I was so nervous to sing in front of everyone, but it ended up going pretty well. A miamaid  in our ward played the violin along with us.

Yuba City, CA

Hola! This is Sister Tittle checking in from Gridley, California. I am on exchanges right now  with Sister Hurtado from Peru. She is one of the only spanish speaking sisters in this mission so I am lucky to have a taste of spanish... even if it is just for a day! Sister Hurtado knows Tyler Boulter... He served in her ward in Peru. You will have to tell Truann that. Tyler baptized her best friend. The Latter-Day Saint community is so small.. I love it!
My first area is in Yuba City, California. The weather has been warm, but beautiful and the people in my area are SO wonderful. SO service oriented. One of the people they began teaching before I got here finally committed to being baptized. He has been attending church for years but was never a member. This Sunday is his special day! I am so excited for him. A member in our ward gave us a white shirt and A tie to give to him for his baptism day. I love the people of Yuba City. They love eachother and are always anxiously engaged in service.
I love you all! Its time to go!
More to come on Monday.
Love, Sister Tittle


Today (June 19, 2012) at 5:00am I left the comfortable walls of the MTC and there began the journey of the next 17 months of my life. I am nervous.. but very excited. Optimism can get us through even the most difficult of circumstances. So I am choosing now to be optimistic.

On Sunday, we heard from President McIff (in the MTC Presidency) He said something that was very profound to me and it is something I have learned to firmly believe in. Here is what he said...

"Obedience brings blessings... exact obedience brings MIRACLES." That is one of the motto's of my mission. Obedience with exactness. That is what I will live by!

I love you so much! I really do. This mission is the best decision I ever made. I am so grateful for the spirit for helping to influence me in this decision.

God Speed my friends! You can do ANYTHING with Faith, Trust and Obedience!

Sister Tittle

She's in California!

June 19th, 2012

This is Sister Sydney Tittle, reporting for duty from Antelope, California where our mission offices are! I am completely exhausted... up since 4:15am but am working on continuing with optimism. Gotta keep pressing on! Today has been fantastic... I got to talk to a coherent mom and dad and a not-so-coherent Sister and two brothers. It was about 7 am. haha life is so good. I loved being able to talk to them!

Week 2 DOWN!

Hi everyone! Week two DOWN and I am in LOVE with this work... STILL! Ha! Can you believe it?! I have about ten minutes, but I am going to try to quickly Jot down some details about my week.
First I wanted to share a thought I had... here it goes.. brace yourself it is incredibly profound. :)
I realized that it doesn't matter how far gone our investigators are.. it doesn't matter what they have done, or where they have been in their lives. If I can create an environment where the spirit can dwell... and then turn their hearts to Jesus Christ... They will find their OWN conversion through the influence of the spirit.
HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!... Basically... The more I learn.. the more I realize that this is not ME doing the teaching. I am nothing but a fascilitator. It is my job to live my life in such a way where I can be guided by the Holy Ghost... and work my heart out in my studies. Only then will I be able to fascilitate an environment where the spirit can teach the people. As I open my mouth... I know it will be filled. What an amazing promise that is. (Doctrine & Covenants 33:8)
Elder Jewell... (A friend in my district said the following in a prayer) "Heavenly Father, please continue to qualify us for this work..." What a simple phrase that was. But the influence was incredible. We truly are qualified to this work as we are called to it.
Out of time! If you want to write me you can find me on Dear Elder or my contact information is on my blog! I will be in the MTC and available on Dear Elder for the next few days! Write me and send me pictures! I would love to see what everyone is up to!
Love, Sister Tittle

"The spirit is the most important element in the work."

"The spirit is the most important element in the work." - Bro. Gonzalez (my teacher) The truthfullness of that quote really hit me this week. "If we don't have the spirit we can't teach. I don't know what these people have gone through... but God does." That is a quote from "The District" Clips that we watch in class. It became so true to me as we began teaching for ourselves. I truly can not do this work with out Heavenly Fathers help. He gives me strength, love, comfort, and support. I love this gospel and feel so blessed to be able to teach it!!
"Set your sights to extraordinary heights!" - Sis. Winters (My other awesome teacher) My instructers are truly amazing. I learn so much by just the way they teach. Each of my teachers "Role Play" an investigator for us... They have helped me to truly learn how to teach. Blanca is SO close to baptism... and Beto already agreed! - I have learned that it is one thing to have faith in God, but it is another thing to have faith in myself. I have tried this week to do as Sister Winters invited, that is, to SET my sights to extraordinary heights. I have tried to continue to have faith in my Heavenly Father, in myself, and in my investigators. I have truly tried to have the Faith and the Diligence to perform miracles. All things are possible!!
 Love, Sister Tittle

Daily Jot

May 30, 2012
Just yesterday, the fact that I was going on a mission was not hitting me. Actually, even when they dropped me off at the curb I still felt like life was in a blur. It wasn't until I sat in a room filled with hundreds of missionaries that I felt truly at peace and knew that this was real, that I was officially "Sister Tittle."
There we sat in a stuffy room, singing songs as we prepared for our orientation. A familliar song began to play and I smiled and reminisced as the words came back into my mind... "We have been born, as Nephi of old, to goodly parents who love the Lord..." this time though the words took on a whole new meaning as I a few of the words were changed and I sang... "We are NOW the Lords missionaries to bring the world his truth."
I am a missionary, a messanger of Jesus Christ. I am so excited to learn and grow. I already know that my life will be changed forever.
Love, Sister Tittle

Week one DOWN!

Hello! Sister Tittle here, just checking in for my weekly email!
Here I am in the Missionary Training Center. Week one down and I am loving every minute.
The first day you get here you are dropped off at the curb and it is off to the races after that! SO fast pace.
Before the mission I was super lazy. I was completely content with lounging around in my mumu... watching Psych or Gilmore Girls. (Pathetic, but true.)
I have found that it is truly amazing what dedicating your life to God can do for people. Every day here I have the opportunity to learn, to grow, to improve my relationship with my Father in Heaven. The more I dedicate my life to Heavenly Father, the more he wants to bless me. God is real, he loves us and wants us so badly to be happy. That is why he has given us a way to return back to him. He has given us a way to be with our families forever... How excited I am to be learning more and more about this and how pumped I am to be able to go and share this message with the world!