Sunday, October 14, 2012

Update and PICTURES!

HOLY SMOKES! General Conferences was a TRIP!! 19 year old SISTERS?!?!?! Man, the Lord REALLY wants his work to continue moving forward... and he wants it to move FASTER! :) That just gives me the pump I need to keep going hard and keep pressing forward in this work!... along with 19 year old Sisters though, 18 year old ELDERS?!.... (Dad TOTALLY CALLED IT last year!!!) - Through out the remainder of Saturday I couldn't stop thinking about Brett and his preparations to serve a mission. WOW.. the weight must be on his shoulders now to serve a mission. At first I was really sad.. thinking in my mind that Brettsky's mission and my own would now almost definitely overlap... I didn't want it to be that way. The thought weighed heavy on my mind and in my heart for the rest of the day. When I woke up the next morning, though, I woke with the peace and comfort in my heart that I knew that there was a reason why this change has come at this time. I KNEW that there is no where in the WORLD I would rather Brett be than on a mission, serving the Lord. Even if that meant I wouldn't see him for Three or so years. Seeing the influence this mission has had in MY life as well as in the lives of all the missionaries I am surrounded by, I want nothing more than for my sweet little brother to be out in the mission field laboring diligently with all of his might, mind, and strength to become the disciple Heavenly Father wants him to become. What incredible opportunity to have at an even younger age. Brett, if you are reading this... I love you so much. I am so excited to see the man you will become as a missionary and representative of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

A few Missionary Updates:

We are beginning the 5th week of the transfer... WOW. Time flies by. A few things that happened this week:

  • Polidario Exchange - This week we had exchanges. Sister Polidario (The precious little sister from the philippines) What a great leader and example she is. She works so hard and is constantly centered on her purpose. The one thing that stands out about her though, is that she ALWAYS smiles. It doesn't matter how difficult her circumstance is or how stressed she may feel.. Sister P is ALWAYS smiling.
    This exchange was such a blessing for me and I was truly able to get some great advice from her about different things I have been wanting to work on. How grateful I am to be surrounded by such wonderful missionaries.
  • New Investigator - His name is Eyin (sounds like Ian) He has long curly brown hair that goes to his shoulders and was raised - as he told us - by two hippies. Let me tell you something about Eyin though... He was a miracle and a tender mercy. Sister Williams and I have been working tirelessly, exhausting ourselves everyday trying to move this work forward, not much success coming from it. But then.... out of no where... Here comes Eyin... Found by the Sutter Buttes Elders. I have a testimony that as we work our hearts out, through tiresome days, through cancelled appointments and such... As we remain faithful, Heavenly Father will pour out his blessings upon us... we WILL see miracles happen. Eyin is an incredible young man who is a true Seeker. He hungers and thirsts for more knowledge. We began teaching him just a few days ago and he ended up attending All the Saturday sessions of conference as well as one of the sunday sessions. I pray that he will continue to progress on his pathway toward our Father in Heaven!
  • Self Evaluation - The past few weeks I have had the opportunity to re evaluate myself as a missionary... Conference was a magnificent tool for me to do this, Mission Correlation Meeting was as well. I am grateful for opportunities to progress in my life! Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to become ALL that we can become... as we have faith and put our trust and confidence in the Savior... this is POSSIBLE!
  • Re-Organization - The Area book, White Board and Car were all a pretty big mess... I am doing all I can to work my heart out and ORGANIZE this area so that it is flowing and has a system when I leave it. (This realization came to me during President Henry B. Eyrings Talk in the Relief Society Broadcast. "What will I do to USE the team I have here in the Buttes Vista Ward??... What can I do now to leave this area BETTER than I found it?"

May Heavenly Father continue to guide us EVERYDAY!
And may we CONTINUE to LISTEN and OBEY!

And for my quote of the week:
"Don't wait until the day you die to start living!" - Uchtdorf General Conference Oct. 2012
I love you!

Sister Sydney Tittle

 "This is one of my FAVORITE ward families.. the Clarey's. Don't those kids have BEAUTIFUL hair?!... So jealous."

Conference Sunday... I was definitely missing the family's tradition of Spam, Eggs, and Rice! I ended up doing the NEXT BEST THING, though! And made my OWN homemade Egg McMuffin! :) I felt CLOSE to home!

 Egg McMuffin and CEREAL! two Tittle Family FAVES!


 "Precious companion!"

 "Williams and Tittle :)"

 "Massive spider"

 "Me and Sister P!"

 "Willy and T"

"Happy Birthday Elder Honeycutt!"

First week of transfer DOWN and PICTURES!

 "Cutest kid EVER!"

 "Re-Gifted Cheesecake?... Clanton&Heward"

 "Sister Williams!"

 "Steps to Baptism"

 "Taco Bell"

Details about Sister Williams (Sister Tittles new companion):
From New Mexico in the Albuquerque(?) area! She was adopted VERY young and she graduated from BYU as an English Major. I love her guts, she is SUCH a sweetheart!

First week of the transfer DOWN! I am doing pretty well considering the new change and all. Sister Williams is wonderful. A great and obedient missionary with quite an amazing life story. I am proud to call her companion. I am doing my very best to do what you told me to do and not change a thing about myself. It has been a little bit different getting used to a new companion, but Sister Williams is great and I am excited to learn more from her. She is so sweet, submissive and kind. We've had nothing but good experiences together thus far.

In the mornings we go out and she practices riding a bike in the parking lot next to our apartment. She hasn't ridden a bike in years, but I am so proud of her for working on it... I know that she is doing it partly for me... she knows how much I like riding bikes. I feel like more of a hardworking missionary when I do. (and it also saves us miles on our car..) (Not to mention the sacrifice truly brings blessings as well.)

The work this week has been slowly picking up. I know that next week will be even better, I just need to remember that not everyone is as fast pace as Sister Withers was. Regardless, Sister Williams is truly the woman to take over after Sister Withers... She works so hard to keep up with her crazy companion. :)

Yesterday in church I was feeling a little bit discouraged.. Saying goodbye to Sister Withers was like saying goodbye to my family and friends again when I went into the MTC. They say that in the MTC... once you make it to Sunday, you are okay! I hoped and prayed that it was the same after losing a bestfriend/trainer/soul sister/first companion....Now, although I wasn't letting her departure effect the outer image of "How I was doing..." It was an inward battle everyday. During the sacrament I prayed to know how I can use the atonement to help me to get back on my feet again after losing my best friend. I prayed to know what it would take to give Sister Williams all that I have and all that I am. She deserves my BEST!

BOOM! Miracle!...My prayer was quickly answered and I continued to be edified through out the entire meeting. Both speakers talked about missionary work and even mentioned times in their mission when they may have felt a little down and out for whatever reason. And THEN they spoke about Charity and Love.. and that is when it hit me.

"Sister Tittle... you've got ALOT to learn about charity and love!"

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

 4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

 5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;

 6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

 7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

Whatever may be going on in my life needs to be washed away with the LOVE and pure Charity for my people here in Yuba City. THEY are why I am here and I can't waste a moment of my precious time worrying about anything else, especially myself!

 3 Nephi 5:13 - Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

This is what it is all about. How Grateful I am to have had the opportunity to learn a little bit more about Charity and Love this week and to really internalize my purpose as a missionary!

Thank you for everything!
I love you SOOO much...

Sister Sydney Tittle

PS... BYU vs. UTAH GAME?! UGHH so disappointing hearing that. Poor cougs need to step up their GAME!
Anyways... Onward and Upward!

An experience and PICTURES

 "The Kent-Gillming-&-Redford Clan!!" (A Fave FAM for SURE!)

"Mission-Maker Mark" (AKA Papa Mark!)

 "My California Inn Peeps!"

  "McCauley Fam!"

 "The night of Abyss" our last night at home together... (Notice the mumu! :))

Each week have have had several marvelous experiences... this week was no different. There are not many feelings in the world that are greater than the feeling of receiving revelation that leads you to great changes in your life. Last night I had one of these "said" experiences. As I sat and listened to the testimonies and the music at the Missionary Fireside...a few of these thoughts came to mind:
'I must be obedient and faithful! Others souls hang in the balance... this work is not about ME, it is about THEM. I pray that not one of us will waste even a moment of the precious time we have here as missionaries. I pray that we ALL will keep in our minds the importance of being steadfast and immovable... that we will fight our fears, doubts and insecurities, so that ONE day... we may be able to stand side by side with each person we meet and be able to say that we did all that we could do! I would hate to come to that day and look back on the mission and have to ask myself... "Why weren't you MORE obedient?... Why didn't you work HARDER?... Why didn't you study Better?... You had what all those people didn't have! - Why didn't you open your mouth more?" I pray that I will never have to look back with such regret... but will look back and know that I gave it my all.

Thank you for everything!

With Love,

Sister Tittle

Update on Sister Tittle

Sister Tittle here, just checking IN! :)
 I have only got a quick minute so I will just give you a little update:
Papa Pelton and Mark Williams were baptized on Sept. 9, 2012 and both were confirmed on Sept. 16
I love them both, they both were miracles for Sister Withers and I.
The day of the confirmation was a primary program in the ward... Sister Williams and I chuckled a little bit about the adorable kids. It brought me back home for a short time and I thought of all the cute and funny kids in the homeward. It is so weird that everyone is growing up so fast. I guess I am too.

Sister Williams and I are continuing to teach Araceli and Alondra... we are waiting on a few things but they should be baptized the beginning of next month.. It will be a long awaited day for them. I can not wait to see this amazing mom and her incredible daughter take such a big step in their life. Both are waiting so patiently and have aimed their lives leading to nothing short of the temple! These two girls have the most faith I have seen in a long time. Their faith inspires me so much. We leave their house every week SO pumped about this work. THAT is what it's ALL about!

Sister Williams is doing SO well here! She is a wonderful missionary!
-Hilarious too!

We are getting along really well and are working on some awesome goals for the area. One of the BIG ones is "SOLID" everything. Solid investigators, solid members.... etc.

I love Yuba City, I will be sad to leave here when the time comes. I love the missionaries I serve with and the people we serve... (Squirrely ones and ALL!) :)

I know that this church is true. Jesus is the Christ, our Savior and Redeemer! How blessed I am to have this knowledge and to have the incredible opportunity to study and to share it with the people here in North-Eastern California. Families are forever, and as families live and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ "Forever" IS possible! The atonement of Jesus Christ is SO real and it is available to ALL those who will humble themselves and come unto him (the Savior) for help. Not only does the atonement cover our mistakes, it also helps us to increase our desire and capacity as it pertains to ALL things that are good! The Lord calls the weak and makes them stronger. Everyday here in the mission field I feel the truth of that statement in my own ministry. I am a weak one... but because I have been called of God... I can KNOW for a surety that I will be qualified as well. It is ALL about the atonement.

I love you all.
Press forward.
Search the scriptures and pray fervently everyday and I KNOW that your capacity to overcome or accomplish things will grow!!

Until next week,

Sister Sydney Tittle